National Projects

PrintArt - Content and Ontology based art image annotation and retrieval

Project financed by FCT - Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology in the frame of the Call for Proposals for Scientific R&D Projects in all Scientific Domains 2008 - PTDC/EEA-CRO/098822/2008
[ARTIS-IHA - Participating Institution]

Current art databases are organized based on ontologies produced by art experts, and the art images are then labelled with directly relevant keywords represented in such ontologies. Thus, this organization ignores two things: 1) relations between images in the database that are indirectly connected through the art ontology, and 2) quantitative representation of image features. The second innovation is then the proposal of a novel probabilistic model that addresses the two issues above. The model works with a graph of image similarities based on art and text ontologies, and global, local and pose image features. We also have another graph that links database images to art ontology keywords. These two graphs can be used to discover new relations between images and keywords that are not explicitly represented in the art ontology, which means that the model shall propose a new internal organization of the art database. 

The successful implementation of this system shall enable a more efficient study and research of art databases by making the analysis process much faster and less dependent on expert users. Note that we do not propose a substitution of the expert; in fact, one scenario envisaged for our system is to help experts annotate and classify images. Another important consequence of the successful implementation of this proposal is the discovery of new knowledge present in art databases. We envisage that this project can establish an important link between the fields of Arts and Science that can be mutually beneficial in the future.

FCT - Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology
Overall Budget:
190.980,00 Euros

Start date: 01-01-2010
End date: 30-11-2013

Proposing Institution:
Instituto Superior Técnico (IST/UTL)
Main Research Unit:
Instituto de Sistemas e Robótica - Lisboa (ISR Lisboa/IST/ULisboa)

Participating Institutions:
ARTIS - Instituto de História da Arte, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa (ARTIS-IHA, FLUL)
Responsible Researcher:
João Paulo Salgado Arriscado Costeira

Research Team:
Ricardo da Silveira Cabral
Gustavo Henrique Monteiro de Barros Carneiro
João Pedro Antunes de Oliveira Monteiro
Manuel Ricardo de Almeida Rodrigues Marques
Maria do Rosário Salema Cordeiro Correia de Carvalho

Manuel Ricardo de Almeida Rodrigues Marques
Maria do Rosário Salema Cordeiro Correia de Carvalho
More informations:
FCT projects database [+]
Project website [+]





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