
Visit to the Portalegre Tapestry Museum - GUY FINO

November 12th, 2021 | 15:00


Visit to the Portalegre Tapestry Museum - GUY FINO


As part of the commemorations of the 20th anniversary of the Museum, on July 10th, 2021, three exhibitions were inaugurated.
Vítor Serrão (ARTIS-FLUL), scientific advisor for Ana Maria Gonçalves' Ph.D. thesis on the Tapestry of Portalegre, a task shared with Hugo Ferrão (FBAUL), is delighted to invite you to join this visit - extension of the Educational Service.


Câmara Municipal de Portalegre

Museu Tapeçaria de Portalegre - Tapestry Msueum Guy Fino
Manufacturas de Tapeçarias de Portalegre
São Roque - Antiguidades e Galeria de Arte
Kirsten Katrin Geissler Costa Pinheiro


