October 02
Teresa Leonor Vale | The painting and sculpture that the goldsmiths had at home (and workshop): the case of the Valadiers in the 18th and 19th centuries.
October 09
Cristina Carvalho | António Medeiros e Almeida: the ecletism of a collector
October 16 | Amphitheatre III
Clara Moura Soares | The legacy and artistic taste of the Queen D. Carlota Joaquina de Bourbon
October 23 | Amphitheatre III
Vera Mariz | A predator of rarities: relations and acquisitions of John Charles Robinson in the Portuguese art market
October 30 | Amphitheatre III
Maria Arlete Alves da Silva | The Manuel de Brito Collection - a collection of affections
November 06 | Amphitheatre IV
Ana Mântua | Collecting under the effect of the war: the acquisitions of Anastácio Gonçalves from 1942 to 1965
November 13 | CANCELLED
Inês Fialho Brandão | Devenu gardien de trésors. A Monuments Man in Lisbon, documental journey
November 20 | Amphitheatre III
Francisca Sousa | Ellipse Foundation and Museu Coleção Berardo: conservation aspects in contemporary art
November 27 | Amphitheatre IV
João Carvalho Dias | The Gulbenkian Collection and the american exile
Scientific Coordination
Clara Moura Soares
Vera Mariz
Amphitheater III | School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon (FLUL)
Full rate: 60 Euros
Student rate: 30 Euros (a student proof must be sent)
NEW Registration deadline: September 30 (limited availability)
In order to make your registration, please fill and submit the form available here. Later on you will be asked by FLUL staff to make the due payment.
For additional clarification of doubts or informations, please use the following contacts:
e-mail: (C/C
telephone: 21 792 00 80