
Jaelson Bitran Trindade

Jaelson Bitran Trindade

Jaelson Bitran Trindade (Santos, São Paulo, Brazil, 1948), historian, was a researcher at IPHAN, the National Institute for Historical and Artistic Heritage, between 1970 and 2019. He holds a BA, a license degree and a PhD in Social and Cultural History from the FFLCH, University of São Paulo. During his PhD he was awarded scholarships by Brazilian institutions, which allowed him to travel to Portugal (1997-1999, IHA, University of Coimbra), and a "Bolsa de Corta Estância" in Spain, by Fundación Carolina (2005), to work on the line of research he is still focused on, namely the global significance of the double-headed eagle in the history of art. 

Other institutions: Administrative Council of the Research Fund of the Paulista Museum, University of São Paulo; Editorial Board of Risco, the journal of the Institute for Architecture and Urban Design of the University of São Paulo (IAU-USP); Ornamenta - Group for Advanced Studies in Brazilian Sacred Art (State University of Campinas, SP). Areas of interest: History of Architecture, Visual Arts and Cities.

Ciência Vitae



