
Renata Fontanillas

Renata Fontanillas

Renata Fontanillas is a Ph.D. student in Art History at the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon with the thesis "Os motivos decorativos no patrimônio islâmico português". She is an integrated researcher at ARTIS-IHA and a collaborator researcher in the project "Património Islâmico em Portugal", realizado pela Universidade Lusófona (FCSEA/ULHT). Her research interests include the Art of Islamic Antiquity, especially in its calligraphic, geometric, phytomorphic, zoomorphic and anthropomorphic ornamental patterns, Iconography, Iconology, Curation and Management of Collections and Collections of the Islamic universe.
Cultural manager with specialization in Gestión de Empresas e Instituciones Culturales from the Universidad de Barcelona and graduated in Cultural Production from the Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), she is currently a project analyst for the Brazilian Ministry of Culture, and is responsible for appraising and issuing technical advice for cultural projects; she also holds the position of Secretary of Culture and companies from various parts of Brazil.
Conducted oral communications by invitation at international events, such as the 5th edition of Potlatch, in Marseille and the ShortCut Europe, in Warsaw, on the theme of culture as a tool for social renewal and public-private partnerships for the development of the cultural sector.




