
Alexandra de Carvalho Antunes

Alexandra de Carvalho Antunes developed an interdisciplinary postdoctoral project, in partnership with UI GeoBioTec / University of Aveiro, under the title "O Cais das Colunas: memória, identidade, matéria e estado de conservação".
She has a PhD in Architecture, with the thesis "A arquitectura de veraneio no Concelho de Oeiras, 1860-1925: inventário, estado de conservação e proposta de algumas medidas de salvaguarda" (in 2009), and a master's degree in Art, Heritage and Restorarion (in 2003). In 1994/1995, she received a scholarship from University College London.
She is the author of 7 books, 4 book chapters and 14 scientific articles published in peer-reviewed journals.
Current research interests: Reconstruction of Lisbon after the 1755 earthquake; Public Works in the Lisbon region (1755-1800); Old docks of the city of Lisbon; Technologies and traditional building materials; Contributions of history and laboratory studies to safeguard heritage.

SCOPUS Author ID: 56042736900




