Teresa Leonor M. Vale
Associate Professor at the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon (FLUL) and researcher at ARTIS - Art History Institute. She holds a license degree in History (subfield of Art History) (1989) and a master?s degree in Art History (1994), both from FLUL, as well as a PhD in Art History (1999) from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto, with a thesis entitled The Importation of Italian Sculpture in the Context of the Artistic and Cultural Relations between Portugal and Italy in the 17th Century.
Following a postgraduation in Museology and the Conservation of Art Works, she collaborated with the Portuguese General-Directorate for Buildings and Monuments and with the São Roque Museum, among other institutions.
Teresa Vale has developed different research projects, from 2004 to 2007, funded by postdoctoral grants awarded by the Foundation for Science and Technology.
She is the author of books and articles in the field of Art History, published in Portugal, Italy, United Kingdom, France, Spain and Russia.