Joaquim Manuel Rodrigues dos Santos
He is an integrated researcher at ARTIS - Institute of Art History of the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon, and he is developing a post-doctorate at this institute (funded by a FCT grant) on the Salvaguarda do Património Arquitectónico de Influência Portuguesa na Índia: Contextualização e Crítica (Problemáticas, Procedimentos, Idiossincrasias e Repercussões), being, in this context, visiting researcher in the Department of Sociology - Goa University. Graduated in Architecture from the Department of Architecture of the University of Coimbra (2002), completed his master's degree in Architecture, Territory and Memory from the same university (2007), having studied the existence in Portugal of a cultural imagery referring to the Portuguese medieval castle. He held the specialization course in Conservation and Restoration of Monuments and Historical Collections at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism - Universidade Federal da Bahia (2006), and did his Ph.D. in Architecture at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura - Universidad de Alcalá de Henares (2012), with a dissertation entitled Anamnese do Castelo como Bem Patrimonial: Construção da Imagem, Forma e (Re)Funcionalização na Reabilitação de Fortificações Medievais em Portugal. He collaborated between 2012 and 2014 with the ONGD Association for the Development and Promotion of Autonomy in the area of spatial planning, namely in the project Melhores Meios, Mais Segurança nas Estradas da Responsabilidade Municipal (Road Safety and Prevention Contest 2010 - C.P.S.R.2010), resulting from a partnership with the Lusophone University of Humanities and Technologies and carried out under the supervision of the National Road Safety Authority - Ministry of Internal Affairs. He was a founding member of the Institute for Research and Development - Lusófona University of Cape Verde, in which he made several applications in the area of architectural, urban and cultural heritage in Cape Verde. He develops research in the area of architecture and urbanism, heritage safeguarding, and art history - especially the production in Portugal and of Portuguese influence in the World -, which resulted in various publications and participation in scientific events. In addition to research, since 2002 he has been working in architecture and urbanism, co-founding the studio iPLAN - Architecture and Urban Planning, having integrated several project teams. External Rapporteur of the Regional Disciplinary Council - Southern Regional Section of the Order of Architects.
Ciência Vitae