
01-05 September 2019
Lecture by Rosário Salema de Carvalho
"To be part of...! Documenting azulejo as integrated heritage".
27th CIPA International Symposium «Documenting the Past for a Better Future» | Ávila, Spain

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January 3rd, 2022
ARTis ON No 11 - Excess ans Insufficiency of Video. Present Issuses

Number 11 of ARTis ON has been published, dedicated to the theme "Excess and Insufficient Video. Present Issues", edited by Pedro Lapa.


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December 21, 2022
Book's presentation - Mulheres Mecenas e as Artes

National Pantheon - Campo de Santa Clara, 1100-471 LISBOA | 18h30

Nº de registos : 174 ( 171 até 175 )